You will need to tread carefully, enlist the aid of other runners, and master powerful forces of technology and magic in order to emerge from the shadows of Seattle unscathed. In the urban sprawl of the Seattle metroplex, the search for a mysterious killer sets you on a trail that leads from the darkest slums to the city’s most powerful megacorps. When the powerful or the desperate need a job done, you get it done. You are a shadowrunner - a mercenary living on the fringes of society, in the shadows of massive corporate arcologies, surviving day-by-day on skill and instinct alone. Elves, trolls, orks and dwarves walk among us, while ruthless corporations bleed the world dry. Technology merges with flesh and consciousness. Magic has returned to the world, awakening powerful creatures of myth and legend. Sound and Visual Effects can be applied to these Regions to spice things up.The year is 2054. Sets how many enemies are required to play Wrapup Combat MusicĪ Teleporter Region is used to teleport an Actor from one region to another. Sets how many enemies are required to play Intense Combat Music Sets if the Wrapup Combat Music will loop Sets the Wrapup Combat Music for this Region Sets the Intense Combat Music for this Region The direction is adjusted by modifying the X, Y, and Z values. The property is used to adjust the direction that the Direction Light is going in a Region. Its color can be adjusted by modifying the R,G, B, and A values or selecting a color from the Color Palette The Color Palette can be accessed by selecting the property and clicking the (Insert Browse Icon). The property is used to adjust the color of the Directional Light in a Region. The property is used to adjust the color of the Ambient Light found in a Region. The following are properties specific to Camera Regions. In this case, the Properties of the Camera Region are set to their defaults. Without a Camera Region specified, the editor assumes a large bounding box that contains the whole scene. For example a size of (2.0, 0, 2.0) will create a region that is the size of a 2x2 tile.Ī Camera Region has various effects on the players view. This property sets the size of the Region in relation to the Anchor Position.
Shadowrun returns editor adding a camera region update#
The property will update itself when it is moved within the Scene. This value can be modified by the X,Y, and Z values to set the origin. This property sets the origin of the Region. This will only appear if the Visible at Start property is True. This property sets the Highlight Color of the Region. If True, the region will be highlight the tiles is covers in its Highlight Color. This property sets if the Region is visible in game. Triggers can be used to alter this value if you don't want a region to be enabled by default. This property sets if the Region is enabled at the start of the scene. The options consist of Normal, Camera, and Teleporter. This will dictate the other properties and intended use of the Region.

Once created, it will appear as an option in in the appropriate Triggers under Existing Regions. The Regions Name is how you will access this Region when working with Triggers in the Scene Data view or tracking the Region in the Scene Contents view. The following are properties available to all Regions. When combined with Triggers, you can use these zones to create various effects.

On its own it's nothing more than a marked zone in the editor with a name and position. Your Normal Region doesn't have anything to special about itself.

(Insert Table of Region Type, Icon, Color) It should also be noted that regions are color coded by type. While the Anchor stays the same, the Adjuster Icon changes based upon what type of Region it is. Regions are made up of two parts, the Anchor and Adjuster. There are three types of Regions, each with their own unique properties. Regions are invisible zones that can be designated for multiple purposes.